What the New Moon in Scorpio Reveals for Us

New Moon in Scorpio (in Opposition to Uranus in Taurus)

Scorpio rules the cycle of birth, death and rebirth and we all go through this cycle in various ways throughout our lifetimes. And right now, a new beginning starts. During the last several months we have all been transforming, slowly shedding the skin of our former self and now that new version of our self is ready to emerge. Whatever you’ve been through, the darkness you’ve navigated — the light is coming. Thanks to opposing Uranus, it’s going to happen suddenly and could shake us up in ways we weren’t expecting.

Be prepared to welcome something new into your life or say goodbye to something that no longer serves you - this change will be abrupt and will most likely will involve possessions or something that you value, or no longer value.

This new moon can also represent the start of a new intimate relationship or joint financial venture. To mine the gold of this new moon I ask the following:

  • What are you ready to eliminate to make room for something better?

  • Where can you release feelings of jealousy?

  • What can you stop obsessing about?

  • Where can you make a shared investment?

The new moon is occurring at 12 degrees Scorpio and will be most impactful for those with planets/angles at 10 - 14 degrees Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius.

Tara Redfield