Mars in Scorpio: Tap into your Passion

⚡️Mars Enters Scorpio⚡️

Today through December 13th, Mars will touring the sign of Scorpio. As the ancient ruler of the sign, Mars is very comfortable here and will be recharging its batteries! This placement creates an abundance of emotional intensity and passion. It allows us to summon a powerful courage from deep within and gifts us with a strengthened will and desire to meet our goals at any cost. The key is to use that passion for the greater good. Now is the time to “do or die” in regard to whatever we need to get accomplished before the end of year. There is no time for fear, only action.

Be cautious however, Mars in Scorpio can also create feelings of superiority, obsession and jealousy.

If you have Mars in Scorpio in your natal chart, you are extremely strong willed and have no problem making sacrifices for things that you care about.

Tara Redfield