Scorpio Season: The Scorpion


The shift into the darker days of Fall continues! Let’s welcome the season of the intense, mysterious and transformational! We are shifting from Libra season, which is social, light and harmonious to Scorpio which is about looking deeper into ourselves and parting with what is holding us back. Now through November 21st is a time to explore our darkness in order to reveal our true light.

🔑 Key Traits of Scorpio: Magnetic, Intense, Transformational and Insightful.

✨Scorpio is represented by the Scorpion - a creature that will unleash a deadly sting when it feels threatened.

✨Scorpio is a water sign - Emotional, Psychic, Healing

✨Scorpio is a fixed sign - Dedicated, but stubborn

✨Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto (ancient ruler Mars)

Scorpio is the Great Transformer 🦋 of the Zodiac - showing incredible resilience after painful events, rising from the ashes stronger than before. Scorpio also represents that which is unknown, the darkness -- which is why the veil to the spirit world becomes so thin during this time of year and why we have the cultural celebrations of the dead - Samhain, All Saints Day, Halloween and Day of the Dead.

Scorpios crave deep intimacy and soul-level connections with others - which isn't easy considering how hard it is for a scorpio to give trust to others!

While Scorpios have the ability to harness incredible power, they must remember to use it for the benefit of everyone, not just themselves.

Here are ways to work with Scorpio Energy for the next 30 days!

⚡️Scorpio season allows for us to dive deeply into any emotions we have been repressing. It is the time to express all of our feelings, in order to grow and move on. What can be eliminated?

⚡️Scorpio asks us to confront our shadow self, the key is to not deny these parts of ourselves, but to own and integrate them.

⚡️Scorpio is also about intimacy - where can you grow intimacy in your life? Who can you be more vulnerable with?

⚡️And remember, the Scorpio mantra is “all or nothing” - where can you invest ALL of your energy to make progress during this time? Mars moving into Scorpio on the 30th helps with this too!

What house does Scorpio rule in your chart? The sun is shining on these themes!

Tara Redfield