Full Moon in Aries: Release Your Fears

🌕 FULL MOON IN ARIES ♈️ Release Your Fears!

This full moon asks us to release any fear or anger we’ve been holding onto. It could also bring a heated climax to a situation. An argument could erupt, but if it does, it’s important to not lose control - try to stay calm and grounded despite your frustrations.

We must also acknowledge any ways we have been acting selfishly at this time. Are there other people’s feelings you might have been ignoring or neglecting? A genuine apology may be in order. This full moon also asks us to accept personal responsibility.

Is there something that you need to own up to or take the blame for? Accept whatever it is and release it with kindness. We all make mistakes. Write out anything that you want to let go, and burn it tonight.

⚡️Today, the full moon will be at 27 degrees Aries and is most powerful for those with personal planets in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) between 25-29 degrees.⚡️

Tara Redfield