Venus Enters Capricorn - Time to Fall in Love with Hard Work!

We all know the Donna Summer song, “She Works Hards for The Money” right? Well that’s the song that immediately starts playing in my head when I think of Venus in Capricorn! And we may as well dig in because Venus is in Capricorn now through March 7th (going retrograde on Dec. 19th - January 29th 2022).

Venus is the planet of Love & Money and when in Capricorn - it’s all about the MONEY and hard work that goes along with financial success. This is the time to fall in love with hard work - the long days will pay off. How can you focus on your material security for the next few months?

For those born with Venus in Capricorn, you are deeply committed to your relationships and you love the feeling of being successful, you work hard and love hard. You are attracted to status, as you value your own reputation so deeply. A new cycle in love and finance is starting for you.

Tara Redfield