Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: What to Know

November 19th 2021 🌖 Partial Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Taurus ♉️

Eclipse season returns! And you might have heard that this is the longest eclipse to happen in 580 years! It's so long - about 6 hours from start to finish, because it's occurring just as the moon is about to arrive at the farthest point it can be from Earth in its orbit, meaning it's also moving at its slowest.

A lunar eclipse is a profound ending of a chapter and with this one happening on the Scorpio/Taurus axis, we are meant to deeply evaluate and understand the themes of acquiring (Taurus) and letting go (Scorpio). The unending change of having and not having that these signs represent is one of life’s greatest lessons. These signs also share the desire for wealth and security - Taurus in the personal sense and Scorpio in the shared sense. This eclipse is ultimately about resources. A financial cycle is coming to end. What this means for you specifically will be related to your past actions and attitudes concerning your finances and what your current financial expectations are.

This eclipse is occurring at 27 degrees Taurus, going exact at 1:02 am PST/4:02 am EST and will be the most impactful for those with planets/angles at 25 - 29 degrees Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius.

To work with this eclipse ask yourself the questions listed below and do the exercises ✨note, these are NOT manifestation exercises, as you don't want to do those during an eclipse, they are meant to end this financial cycle on a positive note and are about closure and release.

  • Am I able to accept the cycle of releasing in order to rebuild?

  • Have I been doing the actions to bring about my wishes or have I been sitting back expecting them to magically appear? If you haven’t been doing much work, you must adjust going forward and understand that wishes can’t come true without some effort on your end.

  • Do I love the work I do, or am I only doing it for financial gain? True financial security comes through the work we love to do.

  • Are you envious of people who are more financially free than you are? Release that energy, it will only block your magnetism.

  • Where can you release control?


  • Write out a list or say out loud everything that you value and express why you are grateful for these things in your life.

  • Give away something that you value today. Pay a bill you've been putting off, buy coffee for a friend, donate to a cause you care about, donate clothing to a homeless shelter, make a meal for someone, donate time, love, energy - can be money, but doesn't have to be as long as you give with care and intention.

Tara Redfield