Sun Enters Sagittarius - Welcome Optimism and Adventure!

November 21st 🌞 Sun Enters Sagittarius ♐️

Happy Sagittarius Season!!! 🎉 As a Sagittarius Sun and Sag Stellium (Sun, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune) I enthusiastically welcome this time of year! 😄 Today through December 21st, Sagittarius season brings us a burst of optimism after Scorpio’s intense look into our shadow side. And even though the days are at their shortest, there is a sense of hope and cheer in the air.

🔑 Key Traits of Sagittarius: Optimistic, Adventurous, Freedom Loving and Honest.

✨ Sagittarius is represented by the Centaur/Archer - Half human, half horse and always on a journey. ✨Sagittarius is a 🔥 fire sign - Passionate, Creative and Motivated.

✨Sagittarius is a mutable sign - Able to adapt to any situation.

✨Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter - which represents expansion and luck Sagittarius is the great explorer 🌎 of the zodiac - always craving to visit a new place and learn something new about themselves and the world.

⭐️ Ways to work with this energy for the next 30 days⭐️ Sagittarius season asks us to experience self realization - which is ultimately the fulfillment of our own potential. It is the sign associated with philosophy and meditation. It encourages us to question our existence and the meaning of life, so now is a great time to get in touch with our spiritual self and to take note of the person we are today. Do we feel like we are living our best lives? If not, where can we make changes?

Now is also the time to explore - mentally and physically. What subjects can you explore more extensively? What information is calling to you? Dive in! And as for travel - restrictions still exist due to Covid, but what foreign land is most fascinating to you? Research it, learn about it, think about planning a trip when it’s appropriate for you. In the meantime, trying a new hike or exploring a nearby city or town will also suffice.

Lastly, while the Sagittarian brand of honesty can be supremely blunt, it is sometimes necessary. Now is a good time to be truly honest with yourself - what do you really want out of life? Are you living in daily alignment of that life? If not, what are actions you can take, big or small, to be in more alignment with your ultimate objectives?

Tara Redfield