Venus in Libra 2021

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💫Venus in Libra ♎️ 💫 Today through September 10th Venus is operating at full potential in Libra! This is bringing us a boost of LOVING energy that we are all needing right now! 💙

What to focus on? During this time, we will want to focus our energy on the close personal relationships in our lives - platonic or romantic. Are we being a kind, compassionate and loving partner? Also remember to check in on the relationship we have with OURSELVES. Are we giving ourselves enough love?

It’s also a good time to evaluate the balance in our lives - is there enough time for work and pleasure?

Do things need adjusting? And where can we bring more peace to situations? What is a daily practice we can create to bring us more peace?

If you haven’t updated your wardrobe in a while, it’s a nice time to invest in something beautiful and elegant for yourself, maybe a nice piece of jewelry or a new pair of dress shoes - Venus would love to see you styled up! These are some good ways to work with Venus in Libra energy! ✨ ✨ ✨

What house does Libra rule in your chart? This area of your life is getting some extra love!

Tara Redfield