Virgo Season: The Virgin



On the evening of August 22nd, shortly after the Full Moon in Aquarius - the sun will move into the sign Virgo. 🌾 This Virgo season has a new significance for me because I recently rectified my chart and it turns out I am Virgo rising, not Leo! LOL!

Virgo season is that transitional time between Summer and Autumn - the days are still warm, but they are getting shorter! It's time to start getting organized and prepared for the colder months ahead. Now's the time to harvest our crops and give 🙏 gratitude for what we were able to grow.

🔅 Virgo is represented by the virgin gathering grain - representing innocence, purity and the harvesting of knowledge.

🔅 Virgo is an Earth sign - Grounded, Practical and Resourceful.

🔅 Virgo is a Mutable sign - Easily adapts to change.

🔅 Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury - Intellect, Communication and the Mind.

Virgo is the ✅ ORGANIZER ✅ of the zodiac - looking at everything through the lens of a microscope. Nothing brings a Virgo more joy than the sense of accomplishment after putting everything in its perfect place. Virgo doesn't miss a single detail and feels most satisfied when being of service to others. Virgo loves work and does it with great efficiency. Virgo also cares about having good health and getting proper nutrition - strives to live a clean lifestyle.

Virgo must be careful not to constantly obsess over perfection - especially in regard to themselves. Self acceptance is an important lesson for Virgo.

For the next 30 days how can you practice the lessons of Virgo?

✅ How can you be of service to others?

✅ How can you work more efficiently?

✅ Where can you pay more attention to the details?

✅ How can you prioritize your health and nutrition?

If you have personal planets in Virgo, their energy is magnified right now! If you are are Virgo rising, the sun is shining on your 1st House, giving you a boost of vitality and personal performance!

Tara Redfield