Lion's Gate Peak & New Moon in Leo 2021


⭐️ Lion's Gate Portal & New Moon in Leo⭐️ Are you ready to achieve your wildest dreams? By working with tomorrow's potent energy, anything is possible! The 🦁Lion’s Gate portal is open and functioning at its peak tomorrow and ready for you to boldly declare what you want. This magical portal of energy opens when the star Sirius - known as the star of wealth and fame, aligns with the Sun in Leo ♌️.

With the date being 8/8, this is also working with the magic of the number 8 - which represent abundance and the doubling of energy! The biggest successes you can imagine are possible.

To add even more power, tomorrow is also the new moon in Leo at 16 degrees, the best time to set strong intentions and goals relating to how you want to show up in your life and be seen. This new moon asks us, what’s something you want to be remembered for? Also, depending on which house Leo rules in your chart, there is likely to be a new start in that area of life for you.

Tara Redfield