Mars in Virgo 2021

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⚡️Mars in ♍️ Virgo⚡️

A few days ago, on July 29th, Mars - the planet of action, motivation, energy and drive moved into Virgo - the sign of careful calculation, organization, precision and paying attention to details. Mars will be here through September 15th.

With this combination, we are given the next six weeks to harness this potent energy that allows us to be incredibly efficient 💪 in our work and projects. This is a time where we will feel compelled to get to work early and stay late - we are willing to put in the hours to get the task done. What do you want to accomplish? Write it down and get going on it!

Take advantage of this energetic boost, but also remember to take some breaks, eat well and exercise. 💚 Virgo is also about health and maintaining our daily healthy habits. Mars in Virgo asks us to keep our bodies in good physical shape to have optimum health. What physical activity can you make time for?

Tara Redfield