The Full Moon in Gemini: Release the Weight of 2024

This Full Moon occurs at 23° Gemini at 1:02 am PST/4:02 am EST on Sunday December 15th. It will be most impactful for those with planets and major angles between 21° — 25° of Mutable and Air Signs; Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, and Aquarius.

As the year draws to a close, the sky offers us a powerful opportunity for release, the last Full Moon of 2024. This Sunday, December 15th, the Full Moon in Curious Gemini, will float like a luminous messenger in the night, carrying the weight of an entire year's worth of lessons. Listen as it invites us to reflect on what we’ve learned and what we’re ready to leave behind as we step into 2025.

Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is the sign of the storyteller, the communicator, the bridge between mind and heart. This Full Moon shines its light on our thoughts, conversations, and connections, urging us to take inventory of what has served us and what has not. It’s a time to embrace clarity, not just in our words, but in our intentions.

2024 has been a year of growth, challenges, and transformation for all of us in different ways. Perhaps you’ve had moments where your thoughts raced ahead of you, creating unnecessary worry. Or maybe you’ve felt stuck in loops of indecision, weighed down by the burden of too much information. This Moon asks: What stories are you telling yourself that no longer serve your journey? What mental clutter are you ready to sweep away?

Releasing under this Full Moon is not just an act of letting go—it’s a declaration to the universe. By shedding what no longer resonates, you create space for new connections, ideas, and opportunities. Under Gemini’s influence, this release feels lighter, like a sigh of relief. Give yourself a chance to laugh at the things you once held onto so tightly and say, “I’m ready for something new.”

To work with this energy, write down everything you’re ready to leave behind on a piece of paper. Let the words flow out of your mind: outdated beliefs, old patterns, unspoken fears. Beneath the Moon’s glow, read these words aloud, honoring what they’ve taught you before letting them go. Burn the paper or tear it into tiny pieces, watching the weight lift as the year’s baggage dissolves into ash or confetti.

But this Full Moon isn’t solely about release. It also asks us to reconnect with curiosity and wonder. Gemini reminds us that life is a journey of learning and discovery. What sparks your interest as 2025 approaches? What knowledge do you yearn to explore? What conversations do you wish to have, and with whom? The answers to these questions are seeds for the year ahead, planted under the moonlight.

Tonight we experience a sense of closure and renewal. This event marks the end of a chapter while gently nudging us toward the blank pages of the next. Use this moment to pause and honor your growth. Celebrate the lessons, even the hard ones, and trust that by releasing the stories that no longer fit, you’re making room for something better. 2025 is waiting, and it’s yours to write.

Tara Redfield