The Full Moon in Cancer 2025: Cutting Cords

It wasn’ t too long ago that the sky glowed with the light of the final Full Moon of 2024, and now we are welcoming the first Full Moon of 2025. On Monday, January 13th, we have the arrival of the Full Moon in Cancer, which is incredibly potent as the Moon is in her home sign. It’s imperative to know that this is not only a Full Moon, but also a nearly Full Mars, an occurrence that only happens once every two years. Keep in mind, Mars is also still in retrograde phase. A combination of factors will make this Moon hum with intensity and power.

The sign of Cancer, governs our inner world: the home of our memories, intuition, and the sacred spaces where we nurture ourselves and others. Under this lunation, the past may resurface, inviting you to acknowledge what you have long held inside. This is also a time that matters surrounding home and family life can come to the surface for healing and resolutions.

As Cancer is also a sensitive and emotional sign, our own sensitivities are likely to be activated. With Mars in the mix, emotions could surge more intensely than usual. You may feel a pull to protect what is dear to you or confront situations that have felt unspoken. Mars fuels courage — the kind that empowers you to honor your feelings unapologetically. Yet, this isn’t a time for battle but for soft bravery, for sitting with vulnerability and trusting the wisdom it reveals.

During this powerful Moon, Mars can also be harnessed to sever cords and ties to what or who you no longer wish to be attached to. This is a potent moment to cut away from lingering energies that hinder growth, allowing space for renewal and healing. Going deeper, this cord that needs to be cut, can also be from a past life entanglement that has been blocking your energy in this lifetime. This shows up strongest in the natal chart as planets sitting next to your South Node.

Please see the cord cutting ritual below if you feel called to use it!

I am hoping that even though Mars in present for this Moon, that the waters of Cancer are able to extinguish the flames!

This Full Moon occurs at 24° Cancer at 2:27 pm PST/5:27 pm  EST. It will be most impactful for those with planets and major angles between 22° — 26° of Cardinal and Water Signs; Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Cord Cutting Ritual

For this ritual you will need: a white or black candle, cleansing herbs like sage, palo santo, or rosemary, scissors, and string or twine.

Prepare Your Space: Light a white or black candle and burn cleansing herbs like sage, palo santo, or rosemary. Create a calming atmosphere where you won’t be disturbed.

Visualize the Connection: Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Imagine the energetic cords connecting you to a person, habit, or situation you wish to release. See the cord clearly and notice how it feels.

Use a Physical Cord: Take a piece of string or twine to represent the energetic cord you wish to cut. Hold it in your hands as you focus on the connection you’re releasing.

Call Upon Mars’ Energy: Visualize Mars’ fiery strength surrounding you, giving you the courage and determination to let go. Imagine a glowing sword or scissors in your hand, infused with this fiery energy.

Cut the Cord: When you feel ready, physically cut the string or twine with scissors as a symbolic act of release. As you do, visualize the energetic cord dissolving or falling away gently. Feel the freedom and lightness in your body as this connection releases.

Seal the Space: Envision golden light surrounding you, filling in any gaps where the cord once was. Affirm that you are whole, protected, and free.

Express Gratitude: Thank yourself for your courage and thank the energies of the Full Moon and Mars for their guidance. Extinguish the candle and let the ritual close naturally.

Tara Redfield