Pisces Season - Tap into Compassion

Sun 🌞 enters Pisces ♓️ The Sun enters Pisces today, where it will be through March 20th. We’re moving from intellectual, social, progressive air sign Aquarius to imaginative, artistic, empathetic water sign Pisces! We have come to the last sign in the astrological zodiac calendar, the last moment of Winter before Spring comes and the life cycle starts all over again with tiny sprouts of grass waking up from the Earth. Now is the time to reflect on the growth we’ve each made over this cycle and to find complete acceptance of ourselves, whether we achieved our intentions or not.

Key Traits of Pisces: Selfless, Compassionate, Imaginative, Romantic

💜 Pisces is the dreamer of the zodiac - always wanting to make the world more beautiful, kind, and understanding. Pisces loves to get lost in a book, a film, a song - anything that transcends the boundaries of this Earthly reality. This is why the imagination is such a special asset for Pisces. It is in the imagination that Pisces can create the world of their dreams - then, find ways to bring those elements into reality. The art that Pisces brings to the world is what keeps us moving forward.

What beauty lives in your imagination? How can you share it here on Earth?

Pisces is also deeply empathetic and sensitive to those who are suffering. How can you show compassion or charity to others for the next few weeks?

Pisces as a quote: “Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.” - Anais Nin; Jupiter, Sun and Venus in Pisces

Tara Redfield