Full Moon in Leo 2022 - Open your Heart!

FEBRUARY 16th 2022

Leo is the ❤ big-hearted 🦁lion - full of joy, warmth, generosity, and playfulness in its purest form. However, when Leo is too connected to the ego it can become dramatic, vain, and demanding. This full moon is a great time to take note of where your ego might be getting in the way of your energetic flow - tap into feelings of generosity instead. Feel with your whole heart today. Remember that love is the most powerful energy on our planet, in this Universe. Can you imagine what would happen if every single person just tapped into love? So simple, yet - because of ego, can be very difficult. Let the ego of Leo melt, and the generosity of Leo shine.

This full moon is also about our personal brand of creativity and self-expression. If you feel like you’ve been denying your creativity, this is a reminder to tap into whatever that expression is for you. You can create something today or schedule time going forward, but just be sure to nurture this part of yourself. We all have something to give that no one else can!


How can I tap into the love in my heart every day?

Where in my life am I being too prideful?

What is creating drama in my life? How can I release it?

What creative desires do I want to honor and make time for?

The full moon is occurring at 28° Leo and will be most impactful for those with planets/angles at 25- 29° Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio

Tara Redfield