The Journey of Venus and Mars 2022 - Actions of Love!

Happy 💘 Valentine's Day! Do you know what is especially significant about this Valentine's Day? We have VENUS and MARS exactly together at 15° Capricorn! They are moving as ONE - and not only that - this love story of theirs will continue all the way through April 1st! Meaning they are staying either at the same degree or will only be a few degrees apart for the next six weeks - this is extremely rare and special.

They will even move into Aquarius together on March 6th - side by side at 0° Aquarius! Usually these planets align once a year or so, for a day or maybe a few days - but to be so close for so long is something to pay attention to. 👀

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, possessions, pleasures and wealth and Mars is the planet of action, drive, motivation, war and passion. They are yin and yang. We cannot have one without the other. Together they create a balance of the feminine and masculine and show us the power of love centered actions. As they make this six-week journey, we all have the ability to tap into that balance.

Right now through March 6th - that balance will be infusing Capricorn themes - structure, stability, ambition, status and institutions. Although there could be a disruption when they link up with Pluto the first week of March - will Pluto choose Love or War or both? I'm hoping for Love!

When the pair continue into Aquarius - this balance shifts to the themes of friendships, community, progression, liberation and new ideas. Look to what houses Capricorn and Aquarius rule in your chart and tap into ways you can share acts of love in this area of your life.

And yes - Mercury moves into Aquarius today as well and will stay through March 10th! We are all going to get a mental energy boost starting this week! This is a great time to take advantage of using your mind for writing, problem-solving and thinking outside of the box! Also, a nice time to connect socially with friends!