Full moon//Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: What Chapter Needs to End?


🌒 FULL MOON || LUNAR ECLIPSE IN SAGITTARIUS ♐️ Some of you may already be feeling the heaviness of the upcoming eclipse tomorrow, May 26th! Literally feeling like your energy is being drained. I know I am... with a whopping four planets in Sagittarius 😬.

**Note to Mutable Signs in particular - Gemini, Virgo, Sag and Pisces - if you have planets in these signs, especially personal planets, sun, moon, mercury, venus or mars, you will feel this eclipse very strongly. What does it mean? Lunar eclipses are a great purging and release. They are the series finale! The door is going to close and there's no use in trying to pry it open again, it is locked. The best thing you can do, is grieve the loss and start planning your next moves. Always move forward. ➡️

And an eclipse in Sagittarius asks us to step back and look at the bigger picture of our lives. Lunar eclipses can also bring out our shadow traits - the things about ourselves we keep hidden and feel shame about. Acknowledge them, own them and accept them, that is how they lose their power.

Depending on what house Sagittarius ♐️ rules in your chart, that area of your life will most likely be affected. Generally we can expect something to come to an end -- for example, it could be relationships, friendships, jobs, living situations, projects, financial investments, business endeavors, services, etc. For those with Sagittarius at the Ascendent (rising), at the IC, Descendent or Midheaven - major life shifts could happen for you. Some of these endings might be difficult to experience, or you may feel that a weight has been lifted. The loss could be huge or extremely minor. No matter how you experience an ending, the important thing is to take care of yourself and your needs. If you need time to process something, take it... and always trust that the cosmos are on your side.💛

PS next up is the solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10th.

Tara Redfield