Mercury + Retrograde + Gemini = HOLD PLEASE

Hold Please.jpg


On Saturday, May 29th Mercury goes retrograde in its home sign, Gemini ♊️ at 24 degrees and will work it's way back to 16 degrees where it will then go direct again post Summer Solstice on June 22nd! Mercury and Gemini rule communication - this is why this retrograde always causes crossed wires for people!

When a planet goes retrograde, it doesn't mean it is actually moving backwards, it just appears to be, this is because Earth has passed it in orbit. However, its energy is put "on hold" or is "stuck" - it's a time to pause and thoroughly review things relating to the planet in retrograde and the sign it is retrograde in, and more specifically the house ruled by that sign in your natal chart. Retrogrades can also create delays, confusion, and bring back things from the past, in relation to the themes. In our current case, that means 🗣️ COMMUNICATION & 👫 CONNECTIONS.

For me, Gemini rules my 11th house (friendships, groups, hopes) - so I will be paying extra attention to my communication with friends and groups - like my students! I might also hear from a friend from the past.

⚡️What to Expect

❎ Communication from a person (or persons) from your past

❎ Accidental sending/receiving phone calls, emails, text messages, etc.

❎ Technical difficulties

❎ Travel delays

❎ Hidden language in documents

❎ Communication delays

⚡️Prepare & Avoid Hiccups

✅ Backup devices

✅ Triple check recipients of messages

✅ Check that your phone is charged before leaving the house

✅ Read important documents VERY thoroughly, avoid signing until "M.R." is over if possible.

✅ Be cautious while driving

✅ Be patient

By the Elements:

Fire Signs 🔥Creative Delays

Earth Signs 💵 Resource Delays

Air Signs 🔌 Technical Delays

Water Signs 🔮 Intuition Delays

❗️If you have planets, or one of the major angles ( ASC, IC, DSC, MC) in the mutable signs, at 27 degrees - 13 degrees of GEMINI, VIRGO, SAG, PISCES - you are the most sensitive to this retrograde.

Not sure where Gemini is in your natal chart? Book a mini-reading with me for $12 this month with HEY HERO Message me for the link!

Tara Redfield