Gemini Season: The Twins


♊️ GEMINI SEASON 👯 The Sun has joined Mercury, Venus and the Moon's North Node in Gemini, the twins of the Zodiac - let the games begin! But really - Gemini likes to have fun!

Gemini season is the last hurrah of Spring before we go into Summer - the overall mood is light-hearted, friendly and inspired. We spent Aries and Taurus season waking up from Winter - and now we are fully awake and enjoying the warmer days and fully bloomed flowers - we are yearning for social interaction and are ready to play!

Gemini is ruled by Mercury - the planet of communication and the mind 🤓 - how we think. Gemini, an intellectual and social sign, teaches us the power of connection & communication -- the power of words, the power of the mind, the power of connecting with others. Gemini is also about being versatile and always trying something new!

From now until June 20th, think about what story you want to tell - what words do you want to express? How can you improve your communication skills? Do you need to speak up 🗣️ more or do you need to make space to just listen to others? How can you feed your mind? Sign up for an online class! It's also a good time to connect with your friends and loved ones - or even make new friends! 👫👫

During the last year, as we have lived in isolating circumstances, we have gotten used to filling our own time - but it's important to be reminded of the importance of human connection and relationships.

My personal connection to Gemini is that in my chart, it IS where my north node is - my destiny point! To be the storyteller, the communicator, the teacher. I feel that I get closer to completely fulfilling this placement everyday - being able to teach astrology and share it's potent, life-changing lessons with others is truly a joy that I am so grateful for. 🙏

Fast Facts

  • Planet Ruler: Mercury

  • Mantra: “I think.”

  • House: 3rd

  • Element: Air

  • Quality: Mutable

✨Famous Geminis✨

Natalie Portman

Marilyn Monroe


Stevie Nicks

Kendrick Lamar


Venus Williams

Paul Mccartney

Tara Redfield