Element Series: WATER



The three Water Signs of the Zodiac are: ♋️ Cancer ♏️ Scorpio ♓️ Pisces

Water Energy is: 🌊 Emotional 🌊 Sensitive 🌊 Adaptable 🌊 Intuitive 🌊 Nurturing 🌊 Healing 🌊 Mysterious 🌊 Compassionate

If your Rising sign, Sun or Moon are in a water sign, you feel your emotions to the core. You have a strong connection to your instincts. You have sympathy and compassion for anyone who is in pain or is suffering. You are the person that your friends go to, to feel emotionally safe. You are sensitive and can sense sensitivity in others. You also greatly value your privacy and don't feel comfortable exposing your deepest emotions (even though you are an emotional person) unless you fully trust someone. Like water, you can take the shape of whatever environment you are in, making it easy for you to adapt to new situations. You do well in professions that require listening, supporting and taking care of others.

Because you are so sensitive, you can take things too personally and hold grudges - this can block your energy flow and prevent you from attracting what you really want. Once you have processed your feelings, you need to let them go, even though you want to hold onto them.

πŸ‘‡Tag your favorite πŸ’§Water Sign friends!

Photo by Noah Usry on Unsplash

Tara Redfield