Mercury Retrograde in Libra: Survival Guide

Mercury Retrograde Libra.png

Mercury Retrograde in Libra Survival Guide

It has arrived, the final Mercury Retrograde period of 2021.  Starting today, September 27th - October 17th, the fastest moving planet in our solar system will be stationing retrograde in the sign of Libra at 25 degrees, moving back to 10 degrees before stationing direct again. As Mercury rules the mind, communication and how we connect with others, every time it goes retrograde those things are likely to be impacted. 

The retrograde in general creates stuck or unmoving energy as the planet is not moving in forward motion. The next piece is the sign - since Libra is about balance, personal relationships and cooperating with others these themes can experience impacts during this retrograde phase as well. Essentially during this time, miscommunication with partners becomes highly likely if we aren’t paying extra attention. Here are some tips on how to work with the energy of this phase and not against it - you can survive this!

*Note: If you were born during a Mercury Retrograde period, this time is deeply healing and restorative for you. Take advantage of this special opportunity for you to relax, give yourself a break - the universe says it’s ok.

  1. Take time to reflect on any life changes you want to make - now is the time to get your plan in order, so when Mercury goes direct, you are ready to execute.

  2. Be extra thorough in all forms of digital correspondence. Triple check those emails, text message and comments before you hit ‘send’. Also be sure to hang up and sign off your calls, zooms or facetimes before making any comments about whoever you have been speaking to.

  3. Think before you speak. We should be doing this ANY time we communicate, but pay extra attention to the words in your head before you say them out loud right now. Your romantic partner or business partner could take something the wrong way, sparking an unnecessary argument.

  4. Be aware of ex-lovers who might contact you. Yes, mercury retrograde in Libra creates a good chance of exes popping up out of nowhere! If things ended with this person because they weren’t making you feel your best, or they weren’t treating you the way you know you should be treated, don’t bother even giving them a response. If you truly believe there is something special between you and this person, see what’s up.

  5. Back-up important documents and files. There is something about important files disappearing during this time - don’t let it happen to you!

  6. Travel delays are likely. Going on a trip? Don’t be surprised if your flight gets delayed or you hit a long stretch of backed up traffic. Remember it’s out of your control, so staying calm is the best thing you can do.

  7. Avoid launching new websites, or new digital platforms - the message might not get out with the proper force.

  8. Don’t sign the contract yet if you don’t have to - but if you DO, read it VERY thoroughly before signing and ask as many questions as you need to.

  9. Keep and eye on your bank account - accidental charges may occur, you want to be able to resolve them immediately.


What is something that you want to create? Brainstorm ideas and get specific about this project, be ready to create it after the retrograde ends.


What is something that you want to invest in? Do your research over the next few look and get your options in order for when Mercury goes direct.


What is something new that you want to learn? Look for a class or workshop that starts after the retrograde period.


What is something you want to heal or let go of? Take an inventory of things that bring you joy and things that don’t. Spend this time to purge what no longer serves you.

Tara Redfield