Libra Season: The Scales of Justice

⚖️ LIBRA SEASON ⚖️ Today, September 22nd, is the Autumn Equinox and the day that the Sun ☀️ makes its ingress into the sign of Libra ♎️ - welcome Libra Season! Libra season officially ushers in the Fall 🍁 and has us admiring the beautiful colors as the leaves change from green to orange, yellow and red. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus (love and beauty) so it's fitting that we see so much beauty in nature this time of year!

We are now making the shift from Virgo, which was about preparing and getting organized, into Libra, which is about finding peace, balance and harmony in our lives and relationships. 👫👭👬

✨Libra is represented by the scales - Showing balance and fairness.

✨Libra is an air sign - Social, Intellectual and Communicative

✨Libra is a cardinal sign - Great at initiating

✨Libra is ruled by the planet Venus - Love, Beauty and Values

Libra is the 🕊️Peacekeeper of the zodiac - ready to get along with everyone and keep everything in balance & harmony. Libra feels the most fulfilled when in a partnership, it's where they thrive! Because they possess a special charm, people find Libras to be quite irresistible. Libra always wants every decision to be just and fair to all parties - which is why it can be so hard for them to make a decision in the first place. Libra loves all things beautiful and will make sure they are dressed to impress - with beautiful jewelry and a well styled haircut. Libra must remember to not focus so much on others that they neglect themselves. Make time for your needs and wants too!

Here are ways to work with Libra energy for the next 29 days! ✴️ How can you be a better partner? Remember to share & listen! ✴️ How can you bring balance and peace into your daily routine? ✴️ Appreciate everything you find beautiful. ✴️ Share some love with people you care about.

If you have planets in Libra - their power gets stronger during this time!

Tara Redfield