Full Moon in Pisces 2021


🌕 FULL MOON IN PISCES ♓️ The Full Moon in Pisces is a deeply spiritual event. Pisces is the sign where thoughts have no borders - the imagination and our dreams are endless. Pisces is selfless and one with the universe.

✨Some may experience a dream realized on this full moon. For others, it is time to say goodbye to a dream that is no longer relevant to you.

✨This full moon also asks if we have been avoiding the realities of any situations in our life? More specifically, situations relating to the house that this moon falls in for you. Now is the time to confront these issues and stop escaping them.

✨Lastly, are you keeping faith? Pisces asks us to believe, even in that which we cannot see. Don’t stop believing, don’t lose faith!

✨The Full Moon 🌕 will be at 28 degrees Pisces and is most powerful for those with planets, especially personal one (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) and mutable signs (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius) between 25-29 degrees.

Tara Redfield