Grand Trine in Water Today!

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✨TODAY: GRAND TRINE IN WATER ✨ Today in the skies, we have Venus at 22 degrees Scorpio, the 🌙 moon at 25 degrees Cancer and Neptune at 21 degrees Pisces - when there is at least one planet in each of the three signs of the same element, we have what's called a grand trine, they literally make a perfect triangle!

This is a very positive flow of energy and even more so today because Venus, the Moon, and Neptune are all very lovely and gentle planets! We should all feel a sense of 🕊️ peace, love and inspiration 💕 today! And with each of these planets being in water ruled signs, it opens us up to our emotions and intuition.

It's a good day to rest and give yourself something to enjoy. Read your favorite book, let your imagination wander, listen to your favorite music, cook your favorite meal - whatever makes you truly happy, do that thing today! It's also a day to honor our feminine energy and show compassion and care for others. 💙 Grand trines like this don't come around very often - embrace it!

Tara Redfield