New Moon Conjunct Mars in Libra & Pluto Stations Direct!


This new moon is being embraced with potent energy from mars - which is lining up exactly with the sun and moon at 13 degrees Libra Today.

Pluto is also stationing direct today at 24 degrees Capricorn- moving out of retrograde, where it's been since late April of this year.

New moons are about new beginnings - this one is infused with passion & motivation from mars and transformational potential from Pluto.

Pluto can also reveal secrets today.

The new moon in Libra gives us the opportunity to hit the reset button on any of our relationships. It is about aligning with balance and harmony. With the added presence of Mars - this moon is bursting with enthusiasm, energy and passion.

Is there anywhere in your life where you need to make a compromise in order to achieve peace and balance? Is there anything that you need to negotiate or renegotiate?

Libra is also about relating to others through the heart, through love. Now is the time to tell that special someone you care about them if you haven’t yet!

This is a great moon for manifesting a relationship or adding new life into an existing one!

The new moon will be at 13 degrees Libra and will be most powerful for those with personal planets in air signs and cardinal signs between 11-15 degrees.

Tara Redfield