The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2022: Feminine Power Lays the Foundation
When I was mapping out the cosmic forecast for this October, I was excited to dive into this Solar Eclipse we have in the regenerative and powerful sign of Scorpio on the 25th. This will be a partial solar eclipse, visible from most of Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East, and western parts of Asia. Eclipses create heavy energy, shifts and changes. To really understand their influence, it’s good to start with the literal definition. A solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, blocking Earth's view of the Sun, totally or partially. This also causes the moon to cast a shadow on Earth.
Thanks to this image from the National Solar Observatory, you can see the moon represented by black and the sun represented by yellow.
You can imagine what our ancient ancestors thought when they would see this occurrence. They believed that the gods were angry and made the sun disappear! For centuries, eclipses were believed to be bad omens. Now that we have a much better understanding of them, they have been adapted into events that bring profound change and set lasting patterns and themes for the coming years.
Back to this specific eclipse in Scorpio, the powerful sign of death and rebirth, intimacy and magic. The Sun, Moon and Moon’s North Node and Venus are all lined up together at the notable 2°. The number 2 holds special significance in numerology, “ known as a supremely feminine force, one that represents both grace and power. It is cooperative, always aiming to bring peace and balance back to a relationship or situation.” ( It is also represent by the High Priestess in the Tarot. Adding Venus’ influence on this eclipse, also ignites powerful female energy to the surface - the women who will not be discarded, silenced, or defeated show you who they are now. Many women will feel a subconscious calling and a stirring in their soul to rise and take charge of their lives — mothers and daughters alike. I believe that this eclipse represents a new beginning for the female beings of our planet to lay the foundation for the future - one that includes freedom and equality.
Some astrologers will say that Venus’ strength is diminished, for one because she’s in detriment in Scorpio, but also because the eclipse shadows her - I might agree with this, but the fact that she is aligned perfectly with the sun and moon at 2° - such a powerful number for her energy, I don’t see it that way. I could be wrong, but I hope not!
Scorpio is also the sign of profound transformation. This is a time for confronting and shedding. In a collective sense, we can assume that certain societal norms can fall away and change in the coming months. On a more personal note, we can expect changes in our own lives - especially in the realm of mutually shared resources. Those with fixed sign placements within 1-2° are most likely to have an experience that will force them to change old habits most drastically. Remember, any changes that we choose or that are forced upon us are needed for us to experience true growth. Don’t expect these changes to happen right away, the events that will be a catalyst for this change, may not happen until later this year.
Another thing to know about this eclipse is that it will create energy that’s intense, even haunting and eerie. The veil between our world and the spirit world began thinning on the 23rd and today’s eclipse is dissolving it even more before we get to its ultimate disappearance on the 31st. Don’t be surprised if strange images or premonitions enter your psyche - Scorpio rules psychic energy!
The rulers of Scorpio, Mars and Pluto, will make intense contributions today as well. Mars will be in Gemini making a square to Neptune, causing confusion about our next steps forward. Some may experience a betrayal of words from a man they know well.
Pluto will be in Capricorn making a square to Mercury, which can create intense and heated verbal exchanges - especially in professional settings.
What big change are you ready to welcome to your life?
How can you allow yourself to feel your emotions more deeply?
What about yourself are you ready to confront, make peace with and release?
What life question do you need an answer to?
This Eclipse is occurring at 2° Scorpio and will be most impactful for those with planets and major angles between 1° and 4° of fixed and water signs: Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Cancer, and Pisces