Summer Solstice 2021

☀️ SUMMER SOLSTICE 2021☀️ Today we celebrate the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The longest day/shortest night of the year! The solstice brings with it the official start of Summer as well as Cancer Season! On this day, the sun seems to linger in the sky and even sets more slowly. The word “solstice” is from the Latin word solstitium, which literally translates to “sun stands still.” This is a time to celebrate the power of life and our life force, the sun!

To honor the gift that is life today, give gratitude for the following:

☀️ The growth of plants, crops and trees.

☀️ The warm days that loosen our bodies.

☀️ The fertile soil our food grows from.

☀️ The friends and family that support you.

☀️ The breath you take each morning as you live another day.

Tara Redfield