New Moon || Solar Eclipse in Gemini: What do you Need to say?

🌑 NEW MOON || SOLAR ECLIPSE IN GEMINI ♊️ Here we go, eclipse #2 of 2021! This time we have a solar eclipse happening ✨tomorrow✨ Thursday, June 10th at 19 degrees Gemini. The new moon/solar eclipse combo is big - key word being NEW - it's time for new beginnings, new adventures, new ways of looking at things and new ways of DOING things. Solar eclipses signify the start of something, a change of pace from our standard actions - they push us in a new direction, even if we don't think we're ready. This new direction might not be where you wanted to go, but trust that it's where you NEED to go. 😉


The new moon/eclipse in Gemini is asking us to speak up! Gemini rules communication and connections - what do we need to say and who do we need to say it to? Think of the things you also need to say to yourself and be sincere! Now is the time to release the words you've been holding onto - trust that the universe supports you in this. Release fears and say out loud what you deeply wish for in your life. 🙏

Look at your natal chart to see which house 🏡 Gemini rules for you - that is where you can be more mindful and focused about your communication, this is also where you might experience a fresh start. Signs to be most impacted by this eclipse are the mutables - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces - if you have planets or major cusps between 17 and 22 degrees, pay attention. 👀

If you have planets/cusps between 17 and 22 degrees Libra or Aquarius, expect some communication that brings you peace and harmony!

For ✅ TIPS on how to make this Eclipse work for you read the images below!

Tara Redfield