Strong Stellium in Aquarius 2021

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Today, is a very unique and special day! ✨There are four planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, along with the Sun and New Moon in the sign Aquarius ♒️. This is an incredible stellium that we have not seen in this sign since 1962. A stellium is when three or more planets are in the same sign at the same time - and as you can imagine it amplifies the energy of that sign.

I discussed Aquarius in an earlier post, but let's dive in a little deeper today!

♒️ Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac, is assertive, unique, independent, progressive, opinionated, inventive and revolutionary. Aquarius wears its unconventional ideals as a badge of honor.✌️ Aquarius values community and community efforts and while Aquarius is very friendly, alone time is also greatly valued. Aquarius, is an air sign - possessing strong communication skills and capable of grand ideas. It is forward thinking. 💡 Emotion does not cloud its judgement. One of its gifts is being able to talk to and relate to all different kinds of people - Aquarius is a great humanitarian possessing a deep fascination with the human condition. 👫👬👭🌍

With today's new moon 🌙 in Aquarius, along with the other planets, it is the perfect day to set bold intentions. It's also a great day to ask yourself, "Where in my life can I be more authentic? Where can I own my unique qualities more?".

In general, we may all be thinking very heavily about the future right now and some of those thoughts might make us feel uncomfortable - but we must learn to integrate whatever our fears are. Aquarian energy is innovative - trust that there will be solutions for what we can't yet see. For us living in the United States, this is a time we are heavily evaluating our values and leaning toward more progressive approaches to helping our society thrive. Very Aquarian!

Tara Redfield