Aquarius Season: The Water Bearer


Aquarius Season ♒️ On January 19th, the sun entered Aquarius and will remain through February 18th. Aquarius will also be hosting many more planets in the next few weeks! The sun has joined Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury, all in Aquarius right now - and on February 1st Venus joins the party and the new moon joins on February 11th. On the 11th there will be 6 planets in Aquarius! Aquarian energy will be strong for everyone and don't be surprised to see Aquarian events occur during this time - protests and marches for the greater good could take place. 👫👬

The symbol of Aquarius is the 🌊 water bearer, however it is an air sign. Its ruling planet is Uranus. Aquarius represents social justice, humanity, community, friendships, intellect, ideas and innovation. Those with Aquarius rising, Aquarius sun, or others planets in Aquarius, care deeply about the improvement of their communities and human rights in general. While they enjoy friendships, they can also be very independent. 🙋

This is a great time to connect with your friends - set up some group zooms or safe outdoor meet-ups! 💻 If you are interested in learning about where Aquarius energy is in your natal birth chart, please email 📩 me at to set up a chart reading!

✨Famous Aquarians ✨








Tara Redfield