Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Adventure Awaits!

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces

The Solar Eclipse in general signifies a powerful new direction and beginning in our lives, just as the previous eclipse signified a powerful ending. A new portal is opening up and all we have to do is accept it and be willing to take on whatever change comes our way - it is meant to help us, not hurt us. We must be willing to evolve to the next phase of life - the past keeps us small. This eclipse can bring events that bear positive outcomes for us - even if the path is different than the one we originally wanted - it’s the one we need.

Adding that this event is taking place in the sign of Sagittarius, it is layered with plentiful luck and optimism! Happier days are ahead. A gift is coming. This is a time to explore and welcome new beliefs and philosophies on life - you might feel a desire to change your mind on ideas that you thought you never would. You might decide you want to live in an entirely different country! There is also a lot of energy and enthusiasm associated with Sagittarius - excitement and adventure are ready to weave themselves into our lives after a phase that has seemed dull.

Lastly, taking into account that the eclipse will be square to Neptune - this means to be aware of things that seem too good to be true - yes a gift is coming, but you must be discerning of the details to make sure you’re not getting a fraudulent gift disguised as perfection. Always trust your instincts and get a second opinion if you need one before getting swept away.

Manifestation practices are usually best done during the new moon, however, during an eclipse, the energy is actually too forceful and not ideal for manifesting - instead just sit in pure feelings of excitement, joy and optimism. A great way to bring up these feelings is to journal on your gratitude. See the attached worksheet to get you started!

The Eclipse is occurring at 12 degrees Sagittarius and will be most impactful for those with planets/angles at 10 - 14 degrees Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces.

Tara Redfield