Full Moon in Gemini - Speak Up!

πŸŒ• FULL MOON IN GEMINI β™ŠοΈ Saturday, December 18th - The last full moon of 2021! Have you been paying attention to your words? Gemini is the great storyteller and loves to talk and share ideas with others. This full moon wants us to look closely at our communication habits - are they serving us and those we love? Are we discreet when we need to be? Our words make the greatest positive impact when they are spoken with love and intention.

To work with this full moon ask these questions…

✨ Do you have any communication habits you can release?

✨ Do you have a tendency to gossip? How can you stop?

✨ Do you not speak up when you should? How can you use your voice more?

This moon can also be related to teaching or study - maybe you get offered an opportunity to teach a subject you love!

The full moon is occurring at 27 degrees Gemini and will be most impactful for those with planets/angles at 25 - 29 degrees Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Tara Redfield