New Moon in Taurus: What Do You Value?


🌙 NEW MOON IN TAURUS: What do you VALUE?💰 💵 💎 Tomorrow we have a new moon at 21 degrees in Taurus - what should you know? This is a very powerful time to set goals and intentions for anything financial - as Taurus rules financial security and values.

This is a time to take note of not only material items 🥂 that you value, but also your personal traits 💁 and traits in others that you value. This is also a very good time to map out any financial goals 💵 that you have for the year ahead. Do you want to save up for something? How are you going to do it? Do you want to invest in the stock market? Do you have debts you want paid off? Do you want to expand you business earnings? What do you need to do to make that happen? How much money specifically do you want to be making? These are all questions to answer during this time!

It's also a time to appreciate the things you already have and express gratitude for those things and also to honor the value of your own self, as a beautiful, living, human being! 🙏 For more details about what to focus on and a list of actions to take - read the images below! 💚

Tara Redfield