Element Series: AIR



The three Air Signs of the Zodiac are: ♊️ Gemini ♎️ Libra ♒️ Aquarius

Air Energy is: 💨 Mental 💨 Intellectual 💨 Innovative 💨 Hopeful

💨 Communicative 💨 Social 💨 Clever 💨 Curious

If you have your ascendent, sun or moon in an air sign you are the bridge connecting your friends and peers. You feel alive when you are engaging in an interesting conversation and are expanding your knowledge. You love to think of new and original ways to do things. You love to consume books, magazines, movies, shows, podcasts, articles - anything you can get to feed your mind. Being social gives you a sense of connection to everything. Others notice that you are easy to talk to. You feel your feelings, but don't get overly lost in them - you are able to keep a clear perspective.

Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

Because you have so much mental energy - you need to be careful not to burn yourself out. It's important for you to disconnect from everything at least once a week. Go for a walk outside or find somewhere quiet to meditate, your mind will thank you! Tag your favorite 💨Air Sign friends!

Tara Redfield