Mercury Stations Retrograde in Aquarius - then Capricorn!

⚡️TOMORROW January 14th⚡️Mercury Stations Retrograde in Aquarius ♒️

Mercury will be retrograde through February 4th, where it will station direct again, but in Capricorn. This is a unique retrograde cycle for Mercury, as it travels between Aquarius AND Capricorn. As with all Mercury retrograde periods, expect miscommunications, technology mishaps, travel delays and unexpected messages- specifically related to friendships, groups and professional contacts.

To use this time wisely, January 14th through the 25th - review the themes of Aquarius and how they apply to you personally. These themes include friendships, community, freedom, humanitarianism, social justice, progression, technology, innovation, rebellion and ideals.

Then, after the 25th, when Mercury moves back into Capricorn, review and reassess your 2022 goals list - especially those related to career and stability. It’s been a few weeks since you first wrote them out. Take a look at them again, do they still align with what you ultimately want to accomplish this year? It’s best to wait on the execution of the more technical plans you have on your list until Mercury goes direct again the week of February 4th.

This MR cycle will be most felt by Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra placements.

Tara Redfield