Full Moon in Cancer: A Time for Emotional Release

Full Moon in Cancer

The full moon in Cancer is a deeply emotional experience. The moon is the planetary ruler of Cancer, so when it’s fully illuminated in its home sign, sensitivity and delicate emotions are greatly heightened. If you find yourself sobbing and longing for the days of the past (Cancer is extremely sentimental) that’s this full moon at work.

Emotions you have been pushing away are sure to be exposed under tonight’s bright light. But, we can find comfort in our tears, knowing that Cancer is also the divine mother - forever supporting us and loving us unconditionally.

This is an ideal day to express gratitude for family relationships and your home environment. Even if you’re not in your dream home or ideal living situation yet, take time today to be grateful for the basic blessings of having a roof over your head and a place to sleep.

It’s also a time to release anything from the past we may be hung up on - a relationship that ended, a job we didn’t get, or a way of life that no longer serves us as we have outgrown it.

To work with this full moon ask these questions…

  • How are my bonds with women in my life? Can I strengthen them?

  • What am I most insecure about? Let it go.

  • What issue from my past is holding me back from my future?

The full moon is occurring at 27 degrees Cancer and will be most impactful for those with planets/angles at 25 - 29 degrees Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio and Pisces.

Tara Redfield