FREE BRITNEY: Freedom, Independence and Motherhood in her Chart


Until last week, when Britney was able to break her silence, we could only speculate on what the last 13 years had been like for her. She confirmed her reality for us, as she detailed the trauma and fear she has been experiencing at the hands of her father and others working to continuously keep her powerless under a conservatorship.

I have been analyzing her birth chart extensively, and what stands out to me the most and what I find the most unsettling regarding her situation, is the strong need for FREEDOM and the destined desire to be a mother that is imprinted on her soul.

Britney Spears has a stellium in sagittarius in the 3rd house - meaning she has multiple planets in this sign/house - the Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune. Sagittarius is the wanderer of the zodiac - the free spirit, the traveler, the adventurer. One of the KEY traits of Sag is that they need freedom in their lives to be the best version of themselves. Freedom is ESSENTIAL to their livelihoods. Another prominent trait of Sagittarius is to speak their mind - they are known for being blunt, because they will say exactly what they are thinking, no filter. They deeply believe in speaking their TRUTH and don't like to hide it.

Britney's sun in sag, tells us this love of freedom is a core part of her personality and she has often mentioned in interviews how she loves driving because of the freedom she feels when she's on the road. Britney has also expressed her knowledge of her sag sun placement - watch her video (recorded in Sept. 2019).

Her Mercury in sag tells us that she is open-minded and loves to communicate freely, without restrictions or limitations.

Her Uranus in sag exaggerates her need for freedom, as Uranus is also a planet related to freedom, uniqueness and independence. In order to reinvent herself she needs space and freedom.

Neptune in sag means that she finds the most inspiration when she is able to travel and explore and also there is a strong desire to find liberty and truth.

Now add that these planets are all in her 3rd house - which is all about communication. Sag + 3rd house = There is a deep need for freedom of speech. The ability to freely communicate her wants, needs, feelings, ideas and opinions is very important to Britney.

Next I want to address Britney's moon placement - moon in aquarius in the 5th house. Again, aquarius is another sign related to freedom and independence (uranus is its ruler). Britney specifically desires independence from her immediate family members. She has always wanted to create her own unique legacy as an individual. She also needs freedom to pursue as many friendships as she wants and often feels more closely connected to her friends than to her family members.

With the moon in the 5th house, this also puts a strong emphasis on motherhood, as the moon represents "the mother" and the 5th is about reproductive energy, children and legacies. Moon in the 5th house gives Britney potent fertility and a desire to have several children, she feels very emotionally connected to her children and all children in general. There is even a childlike quality about her as well.

Another poignant placement in Britney's chart is her North Node in Cancer in the 10th house. The North Node represents our life's destiny - the greatest lesson we are meant to learn in this lifetime. For Britney, this is about being a mother (Cancer), indulging in compassion, being caring and nurturing, protective and supportive. It is also about her public image (10th House) and really learning to balance motherhood and fame.

When we put this knowledge about who Britney IS, layered with the reality that she has been living under unimaginable restrictions dictating everything from what she can spend her own money on, to the forced placement of an IUD in her uterus, for the last 13 years, it is excruciating to comprehend the suffering and pain she is in.

There is much more to discuss in Britney's chart that reveals even her father's desire to have total control over her, but I wanted to share these points first.

Tara Redfield