Cancer Sun: The Chart of Anthony Bourdain


Today would have been Anthony Bourdain's 65th Birthday. It is so incredibly fitting to me that he was a ♋️ Cancer Sun - the ultimate host. As I mentioned in my post earlier this week, Cancer is the care taker of the zodiac. Cancer wants to feed you, make sure you're comfortable and that feel at home in their presence. Cancer is a nurturer.

Going even deeper into Bourdain's birth chart, it is significant to note, he was a Leo Rising, making the Sun his chart ruler - and his Sun being in Cancer in the 11th house again, echoes so strongly his desire to include others and connect with them through food and cooking, as the 11th house is about brotherhood/sisterhood, groups, the masses, connection and humanity. We know through watching his career, that Bourdain was someone so generous, and deeply invested in a love for food, cooking, and caring about others. Through his travel shows, he literally took us on a journey to meet people living in all different parts of the world - and he connected with them through sharing a meal. Such a beautiful and pure expression of this planet placement.

Another significant placement in Bourdain's chart, is Mercury in ♊️ Gemini also in the 11th house. Mercury is home in Gemini, as it rules this sign - meaning it functions at its strongest! Mercury/Gemini is all about the mind, communication, storing and sharing information. This is why Bourdain was such an incredible storyteller - as a writer and television show host! He was able to so brilliantly share his thoughts with us, educate us and also make us laugh - another Gemini strength, humor. Again, this planet also being in the 11th house, he was all about sharing his stories with US, the people! Storytelling to the world - which he did, as his show reached millions of viewers.

Lastly, I want to address his North Node (our life's destiny point) was in ♐️ Sagittarius in the 5th house. Sagittarius is about all things foreign, international travel and freedom, and the 5th house is about our creativity, self-expression and LEGACY. Bourdain truly met his soul's ultimate desire, to travel the world and create a great impression on those around him. Through his creativity in writing books and hosting two travel/food shows, he most definitely has left behind a lasting legacy reminding us in the power of human connection. We miss you Tony. 🖤

Tara Redfield