Out of Bounds Planets - Do You Have Them?

I know most of you are familiar with what to look for in the natal chart in terms of signs, houses, and aspects, but, did you know that planets can be “out of bounds” (OOB) in your natal chart? This overlooked aspect of a natal chart is when a planet’s declination exceeds the Sun's maximum declination, which is 23°28’ north or south of the celestial equator. In simpler terms, the planet strays beyond the usual range of the Sun's path, adventuring outside the standard celestial “boundaries.”

Planets that are out of bounds carry a unique, often intensified energy. It’s like a planet that has gone rogue! This is because their positions are outside the typical range of influence, giving them a sense of freedom and unpredictability. These planets are roaming in the wild, where there is danger, but also excitement. The characteristics and influences of an OOB planet can be noticeably different from their typical expression. For example, an OOB Mars can demonstrate extreme assertiveness or impulsiveness, while an OOB Moon can have intense emotional reactions and mood swings.

The energies of out of bounds planets tend to be more rebellious, independent, and unpredictable. They operate outside the norms, making them unique and sometimes challenging to integrate. This is why it can be valuable to know if you’re operating a natal chart with OOB planets!

These planets can also bring out heightened creativity and innovation in the individual, because they break free from conventional constraints, allowing for original and groundbreaking ideas and actions.

Individuals with OOB planets in their natal charts often value freedom and independence highly in the areas governed by these planets. They might resist traditional roles or expectations, seeking their own path.

If any of these statements relate to you, there’s a chance you have a planet out of bounds!

Can any planet be out of bounds? No!  The only planets that have the potential to be out of bounds are the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Pluto, and Uranus. Jupiter, can be, but very rarely, and Saturn has not landed out of bounds for hundreds of years.

How to Find your OOB Planets

  1. Create your free natal chart at astro.com (tap ‘my astro’ in the top right corner)

  2. Pull up your chart and select “extended chart selection”

  3. Under “sections” select “ephemeris”

  4. Tap the box next to “please select” and select the line that reads “Ephemeris with decl./lat. for a year, PDF”

  5. Tap the box next to “start date” and type the year you were born

  6. Tap “show the ephemeris”

  7. This will open a PDF, scroll to the month and date you were born. If you see a planetary column with the declination written in red ink, that means the planet was out of bounds when you were born.

How each OOB planet functions:

Out of Bounds Moon: An OOB Moon can intensify emotional experiences and intuition. These individuals might have vivid imaginations, profound emotional depths, and a strong sense of independence in their emotional lives. They can be highly sensitive and empathetic but may also struggle with emotional instability.

Out of Bounds Mercury: With Mercury OOB, mental processes and communication styles can be highly original, inventive, and sometimes erratic. These individuals might excel in thinking outside the box, displaying genius-level insights, but can also face challenges in conforming to conventional thought patterns.

Out of Bounds Venus: An OOB Venus often manifests as a unique approach to love, relationships, and aesthetics. These individuals may seek unconventional relationships, have a distinct sense of style, and value freedom in their social interactions.

Out of Bounds Mars: When Mars is OOB, physical energy, drive, and aggression can be extreme and unpredictable. These individuals might be fearless, pioneering, and sometimes reckless. They often display remarkable courage and determination but can struggle with impulsive actions.

Out of Bounds Jupiter: An OOB Jupiter can amplify a person’s sense of adventure, belief systems, and quest for knowledge. These individuals may have expansive visions, unconventional philosophies, and a strong urge to explore beyond the ordinary. They also have the tendency to do and promise too much and exhaust themselves.

Out of Bounds Uranus: The rebellious nature of Uranus is heightened when it's OOB. These individuals are likely to challenge the status quo and resist societal norms, often seeking to revolutionize the world around them. They might go to great lengths to avoid restrictions and live life on their own terms. Their lives can be filled with chaotic situations they must quickly adapt to.

Out of Bounds Pluto: The desire for power and control is magnified with an OOB Pluto. These individuals might be drawn to positions of influence or possess a strong will to dominate their surroundings and circumstances. Those with an OOB Pluto can also have an extraordinary ability to see through illusions and uncover deep, hidden truths.

Out of bounds planets introduce a fascinating, additional layer of depth and nuance to our astrological readings, which is why I felt compelled to discuss them this week!

Tara Redfield