The Tortured Full Moon in Scorpio

This Full Moon occurs at 4° Scorpio on April 23rd at 4:49 pm PST/ 7:49 PM EST. It will be most impactful for those with planets and major angles between 2° — 6° of Fixed and Water Signs; Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Cancer, and Pisces

What are you willing to shed for the Full Moon in Scorpio? This is one of the most intensely emotional Full Moons of the year and one of the most powerful opportunities for growth, transformation, and healing. It serves as a mirror, reflecting back to us the aspects of ourselves that we often keep hidden or buried beneath layers of pretense. Today emotions run deep, truths emerge from the shadows, and the veil between the conscious and subconscious becomes thin. It’s time to face fears and confront the parts of ourselves that we may have long ignored or denied.

Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, embodies the timeless principles of death and rebirth, destruction and transformation. It teaches us that from the ashes of our pain and suffering, we can rise anew, stronger and more resilient than before. Like the phoenix, we have the power to emerge from the depths of our own inner turmoil, reborn and revitalized. In fact, did you know that ashes from burnt wood make for an excellent organic fertilizer to help gardens flourish?

Rather than shying away from the darker aspects of yourself, lean into them with courage and curiosity. Explore the root causes of your fears, insecurities, and negative patterns. By acknowledging and accepting these shadowy parts of yourself, you pave the way for profound healing and integration.

Just as the scorpion knows when to shed its old exoskeleton to make way for growth, we must also release that which holds us back. I invite you to see this Full Moon as an opportunity to let go of toxic relationships, self-limiting beliefs, and emotional baggage that weigh heavily on your spirit. Let’s shed the old and create space for new beginnings.

Recommended Listening…

Taylor Swift’s newest album, The Tortured Poets Deparment, has the themes of Scorpio clearly pulsating throughout it. In my opinion, this album does what Scorprio energy does best - transmutes pain into something beautiful.

She has worked out her most painful experiences in this album, sharing her darkest shadow thoughts and fears with the world with unabandoned vulnerability. Emotions of rage, sorrow, and grief get a full exorcism through 31 songs. With Swift herself having Mars and Pluto in Scorpio, and possibly being Scorpio rising and an 8th house moon (her birth time has not been verified), she understands the process of experiencing great loss, but then rising from the ashes healed and wiser for it.  

If you need help processing some weighty emotions today, this is the album that can assist you in release!

Tara Redfield