Release and Renew with Sunday's Blue Moon

This Sunday, July 21st, we will experience the healing glow of the Blue Moon at the 29th degree of Capricorn, a rare and potent event. While the Moon will not literally be blue, it will be infused with a unique spiritual energy. This event creates a powerful time for magic, divination, and connecting with the spiritual world. It’s a time to listen to the voice deep within and connect to our intuition.

This particular Blue Moon invites us to release what no longer serves our highest purpose and to realign with our true ambitions. It’s a time to let go of outdated structures, beliefs, and habits that hinder our growth and progress. Allow the voice of reason to guide you during this time. What reality do you need to address and make peace with?

This Moon will also help us to tie up loose ends and say final goodbyes. Being at the last degree before transitioning into the next sign, the 29th degree is a threshold. It carries the tension of both an ending and a beginning, marking a time of significant change. We might feel a sense of urgency or a pressing need to resolve matters before moving forward. Emotions are likely to be running high, be gentle and patient with yourself and others.

The 29th degree can also signal critical turning points or periods of heightened activity and transformation. I highly recommend locating where 29° of Capricorn is in your natal chart (if you don’t have a copy you can make one at Study the house it occupies and take some time to reflect on anything that may need to be released, related to that house. However, Full Moons are also known for doing the releasing for us. If anything departs from your life over the next few days, accept the reality and trust that this change is for the best. Whatever is lost will be replaced.

Who will be impacted the most by this Blue Moon?

Those of you with planets and major angles between 27° — 29° of Cardinal and Earth Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus), and between 0 - 2° of Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)

Rituals for Release and Renewal

To harness the potent energy of the Blue Moon in Capricorn, engaging in rituals can help facilitate the process of release and renewal. Here are some powerful rituals to consider:

  • Reflective Journaling

    Take some quiet time to sit with your thoughts and reflect on the past months. Write down any patterns, habits, or beliefs that you feel are holding you back. Capricorn’s energy encourages honesty and realism, so be truthful with yourself. Once you’ve identified these limiting factors, write a statement of release for each one. Example: "I release the fear of failure that holds me back from pursuing my true passions."

  • Earth Connection Ritual

    Capricorn is an earth sign, so grounding yourself in nature can be particularly effective. Find a quiet outdoor space where you can sit or stand comfortably. Close your eyes and take deep breaths, visualizing roots growing from your body into the earth, grounding you. As you breathe out, imagine releasing any negative energy or thoughts into the ground, where they will be transformed and neutralized.

  • Burning Ceremony

    Write down what you want to release on small pieces of paper. This could include old habits, fears, or anything else that no longer serves your growth. Safely burn these papers, watching the smoke carry your intentions of release into the universe. As you do this, visualize these limitations dissolving and making space for new, positive energies to enter your life.

  • Crystal Healing

    Use crystals that resonate with Capricorn’s energy, such as black tourmaline, garnet, or smoky quartz. Meditate with these crystals, holding them in your hand or placing them on your body. Set intentions for what you wish to release and what you hope to invite into your life. The grounding energy of these crystals can aid in the process of letting go and rebuilding.

  • Capricorn Moon Bath

    Draw a bath and add some Epsom salts, which can help cleanse and purify your energy. Include essential oils like vetiver, cedarwood, or frankincense, which resonate with Capricorn’s earthy energy. As you soak, visualize the water washing away any negative energies and emotions. Imagine emerging from the bath renewed and ready to embrace new opportunities.

Remember, the journey of release and renewal is ongoing, and each step you take brings you closer to your purest, most authentic self. May this Blue Moon guide you towards a path of purpose, clarity, and fulfillment.

Tara Redfield