The Vertex Point and Your Fate: What Does This Point Reveal?

As an astrologer, I’m always curious about learning new ways to interpret natal charts. An interesting point I’ve recently been exploring is the Vertex Point, also known as the "electric ascendant." While it may be lesser-known compared to other chart components, the Vertex Point holds significant meaning and can shed light on profound connections and experiences in our lives. It’s a point associated with fate and in today’s message, we’ll look at its significance, and how it influences our astrological journey!

What is the Vertex Point?

The Vertex Point is not a planet or celestial body but a calculated point in a natal chart. It’s the intersection between the Prime Vertical (a plane that divides the celestial sphere into east and west) and the Ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun in the sky). Therefore, it’s highly dependent on the location and time of birth.

Symbolically, it represents the people and experiences that enter our lives unexpectedly and have a profound impact on our destiny. It is associated with fated encounters, destined relationships, and pivotal events that shape our spiritual growth and push us into mastering the energy of the sign and house it’s located in. While the Ascendant represents our outward projection to the world, the Vertex Point delves into the hidden depths of our intimate and even subconscious connections.

This point is worth looking at because it’s strongly associated with a strong themes in our lives: significant relationships, synchronicities, spiritual awakenings, and karmic lessons.

It can reveal a soulmate connection or relationships that serve as catalysts for personal growth, lessons, and transformation.

It can bring unexpected opportunities, chance encounters, and life-altering experiences.

It can signify encounters with spiritual teachers, mentors, or guides who aid us on our path to self-discovery and enlightenment. These encounters may propel us toward exploring new belief systems or embarking on a spiritual journey.

It also represents karmic connections and lessons we need to learn in this lifetime and can reveal unresolved issues from past lives that need to be addressed, offering opportunities for healing and growth.

The timing of these occurrences often aligns with major transits or progressions to the Vertex Point in the natal chart.

Finding Your Vertex

To find the Vertex Point in your natal chart, use the free online chart creation tool at

  1. Create your chart

  2. Select “extended chart selection”

  3. Scroll down to where it says “additional objects” - under that it will say “common elements”

  4. Click on “Vertex”

  5. Click on “show chart” and you will see where your vertex point is.

The Vertex Point is indicated by the word “Verte” and it will always appear on the right half of the chart.  See the image below as an example.

The Vertex is located in the 6th house at 18° Pisces.

The Vertex Point in the Signs

Vertex in Aries

You are destined to embark on a journey of self-acceptance, bold initiatives, and passionate connections. You will be ignited with a trailblazing spirit, and learn lessons in tempering impulsivity and balancing personal desires with the needs of others. By embracing your inner warrior and mastering the art of balance, you can leave an indelible mark on the world, inspiring others to embrace their own inherent power and fearlessly pursue their dreams.

Vertex in Taurus

You are destined to attract enduring connections, manifest material security, and embrace sensuality and slowness. You possess a grounded nature, a deep appreciation for the physical world, and a talent for manifesting your desires. Balancing the need for security with a willingness to adapt and grow is essential for your personal and spiritual development. If you do this, you can create a life of enduring fulfillment and enjoy the finer things you crave.

Vertex in Gemini

You are destined to develop diverse connections, embrace intellectual growth, and master versatile communication. You possess a natural curiosity and a talent for articulating your thoughts and ideas. By embracing the dance of connections and continually expanding your intellectual horizons, you can lead a life filled with meaningful interactions and a profound understanding of the power of communication.

Vertex in Cancer

You are destined to experience nurturing connections, emotional fulfillment, and create a sense of home for yourself. You possess a deep sensitivity, a nurturing spirit, and a profound connection to family and loved ones. By honoring your emotional needs and creating loving and supportive environments, you can navigate your destiny and create lasting connections that nourish the soul.

Vertex in Leo

You are destined to embrace your authentic self, express your creative talents, and radiate a vibrant presence to warm the hearts of others. You possess natural charisma, a desire for recognition, and a deep need to inspire and uplift others. By shining your light brightly and embracing your unique creative destiny, you can leave a lasting legacy and make a significant impact on the world.

Vertex in Virgo

You are destined to provide dedicated service to others, pay close attention to detail, and achieve analytical mastery. You possess a strong sense of duty, a meticulous nature, and a desire to make a meaningful contribution. Fated encounters may lead you to opportunities where your skills and expertise can make a significant impact. By offering your practical assistance, refining your skills, and finding fulfillment in service, you can bring positive change to the lives of others.

Vertex in Libra

You are destined to seek harmony, foster connections, and embrace the beauty of relationships. You possess a natural charm, diplomatic skills, and a strong desire for balance. By cultivating meaningful relationships, fostering cooperation, and embracing your relational destiny, you can create a life of harmony, beauty, and profound connections that demonstrate the true meaning of peace.

Vertex in Scorpio

You are destined to experience intense emotional transformations, intimate relationships and deep self-discovery. You possess a magnetic energy, a thirst for the hidden truths of life, and a quest for personal power. By embracing the depths of your emotions, navigating intimate connections, and tapping into your inner strength, you can embark on a transformative journey of soul growth and emotional healing. You resilience will inspire others.

Vertex in Sagittarius

You are destined for expansive adventures, intellectual growth, and a quest for higher meaning.  You possess a strong desire for the truth, freedom and exploration. By embracing diverse perspectives, seeking truth, and sharing your worldly wisdom with others, you can embark on a journey of profound intellectual and spiritual growth, inspiring others to embrace the adventure of life.

Vertex in Capricorn

You are destined to experience ambition, responsibility, and build a solid foundation for your life. You possess a strong work ethic, a drive for success, and a desire for accomplishments. By embracing responsibility, patience, cultivating influential connections, and building something that leaves a lasting legacy, you can make a significant impact in your chosen field and create a life of fulfillment.

Vertex in Aquarius

You are destined for progressive connections, intellectual exploration, and social change. You possess a unique perspective, a commitment to innovation, and a desire to make a positive impact in the lives of others. By embracing your individuality, fostering community, and using your talents to promote societal equity, you can lead the way toward a more inclusive, forward-thinking, and compassionate world.

Vertex in Pisces

You are destined to experience spiritual connections, empathy, and compassion. You possess a deep understanding of the human experience, a connection to the realms of intuition and spirituality, and a desire to serve others. By embracing your empathetic nature, nurturing your spiritual growth, and offering love and support to others, you can bring healing and light to the world, embodying the essence of compassion and connecting with the divine nature of humanity.

Tara Redfield