Super Moon in Scorpio 2020


🌕Super Flower Moon in Scorpio ♏️

Tonight is the third and final #Supermoon of the year. It is also known as the “Flower Moon” - termed by the Algonquin people, because it rises with the blooming flowers of Spring. Scorpio represents death and rebirth - tonight is the perfect time to let go of anything holding you back. Release any hurt and pain you might be holding onto. Let your heart and mind heal. You can do this by literally saying out loud, “I release this pain because it no longer serves me.” You can write it out on a piece of paper and burn it, you can journal your feelings, you can meditate — any way you choose to release these feelings is perfectly fine, but do it! And then set intentions for what you would like to manifest in the coming weeks.

Life has been incredibly heavy for all of us these last two months, this Scorpio moon should lift and remove some of that weight, making us feel a little lighter and ready to start something positive in this “new normal.” 💫

Tara Redfield