Life Shakeups are Coming - Your Jupiter + Uranus Conjunction Horoscope!

We have wrapped up eclipse season, but are inching closer to the next biggest planetary event of the year. On Saturday, April 20th, the great expander Jupiter and the great change-maker Uranus, merge together in steady Taurus, creating what is sure to be a surge of new energy and maybe even a change in direction!

Planetary conjunctions involving the outer planets, often create significant shifts in energy and collective consciousness. With these two planets coming together, they hold the potential to shake up stability, both on individual levels and within the collective experience.

To comprehend the impact of this conjunction, it's essential to grasp the deeper nature of the planets involved. Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, represents expansion, growth, and abundance. It encourages exploration, optimism, and the pursuit of knowledge. When Jupiter aligns with another planet, it tends to amplify its energies, magnifying and inflating its influence.

Uranus, on the other hand, is the planet of innovation, revolution, and sudden change. It governs rebellion, progress, and unconventional thinking. Uranus disrupts the status quo, urging us to break free from limitations and embrace new ways of being. It’s also the planet most associated with technology and electricity.

Now, let’s talk about Taurus, the sign in which these planets are meeting up in. Taurus, is a fixed, stubborn, Earth sign ruled by Venus, that embodies qualities of stability, material security, and sensuality — It values tangible comforts, groundedness, and perseverance. Taurus encourages us to connect with the physical world, to appreciate beauty, and to build solid foundations.

When Jupiter's expansive tendencies collide with Uranus' impulse for sudden change - they challenge the traditional stability of Taurus, inviting disruptions and breakthroughs in the pastures of art, agriculture, economics, environmentalism, and values.

This alignment last happened in May of 1941 and revealed events such as The United States Congress passing the Lend-Lease Act, giving the President the power to sell, lend, and lease war supplies to other nations. This makes sense with Taurus ruling resources.

The film, How Green was my Valley, about a small Welsh town that was at one point serene and lush that becomes overrun by a coal mine, eventually leading to strikes and protests on behalf of the miners, was released and would go on to win the Academy Award for Best Picture.  The film eerily, but accurately, displays strong themes of the Jupiter/Uranus in Taurus alignment.

Famed folk-singer Bob Dylan was born during this 1941 conjunction in Taurus. Some of his most iconic songs, such as "Blowin' in the Wind," "The Times They Are a-Changin'," and "Like a Rolling Stone," became anthems of the 1960s counterculture and civil rights movement.

Within the collective sphere, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus signals a period of societal upheaval and transformation. We may witness revolutions in economic systems, shifts in environmental policies, and innovations in sustainable living. There is a chance this alignment could manifest a literal earthquake, but hopefully not! This alignment challenges us to rethink our relationship with material resources, to address issues of inequality, and to embrace alternative ways of organizing society.

On a personal level, this conjunction prompts us to reassess our personal values and priorities. It encourages us to embrace change, even if it feels uncomfortable or unexpected. We may feel a strong urge to break free from routines, to explore new possibilities, and to expand our horizons. It's a time for taking risks, trusting intuition, and cultivating resilience. It’s important to look to the house that holds 21° of Taurus in your natal chart.  This is the area of life where this energy is most likely to reveal itself. You can also read below for you horoscope!

Whatever outcome Saturday’s conjunction has in store for us individually and the world at large, I hope we are able to navigate it with grace!

Your Jupiter & Uranus Conjunction Horoscope

*These readings are approximate, for the most accurate reading, reference the house in your natal chart that begins with Taurus on the cusp and read for that house. Need a copy of your natal chart? Make one for free at

*If you have any planets between 19-23° of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, you are most likely to sense the energy of this conjunction on April 20th.

Aries Rising/2nd House

Get ready for some shake-ups in your money matters! The conjunction is lighting up your financial zone, urging you to think outside the box when it comes to earning and spending. Don't be afraid to take some risks and think of new income streams!

Taurus Rising/1st House

It's your time to shine! This conjunction is happening in your house of self, bringing big changes to your identity and how you present yourself to the world. Embrace growth and step into your power - now is a special time!

Gemini Rising/12th House

Listen to your inner voice! With the conjunction in your spiritual sector, you're in for some deep introspection. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition—they might hold the key to your next big breakthrough.

Cancer Rising/11th House

Get ready to expand your social circle! The conjunction is energizing your house of community and friendships, bringing new connections and exciting opportunities. Collaborate with others and watch your dreams take flight!

Leo Rising/10th House

Time to level up your career game! With the conjunction taking place in the professional arena of your life, you're poised for some major advancements. Take bold risks and show the world what you're made of. You might also have a surprise offer come in!

Virgo Rising/9th House

Broaden your horizons! The conjunction is sparking your thirst for knowledge and adventure. Whether it's traveling abroad, studying, or exploring new philosophies, embrace the journey and watch your mind expand!

Libra Rising/8th House

Dive deep into intimacy! The conjunction is adding electricity to your zone of transformation and shared resources. Embrace vulnerability and deepen your connections—it's where the real magic happens! Some could also receive a windfall.

Scorpio Rising/7th House

Partnerships take center stage! With the conjunction impacting your relationships, expect some exciting developments in your one-on-one connections. Embrace collaboration and watch your bonds grow stronger!

Sagittarius Rising/6th House

Time to revamp your routine! The conjunction is inspiring you to prioritize your health and well-being. Whether it's starting a new exercise regimen or adopting healthier habits, embrace the journey to a healthier lifestyle!

Capricorn Rising/5th House

Let your creativity flow! The conjunction is igniting your artistic spark and encouraging you to express yourself freely. Dive into creative projects and let your imagination run wild! This also includes the creation of new life, so if you’ve been wanting to have a child, now’s the time to go for it.

Aquarius Rising/4th House

Home is where the heart is - and the excitement! The conjunction is bringing changes to your domestic sphere, so get ready to spruce up your space and make it truly yours. Embrace innovation and create a sanctuary that reflects your unique vibe!

Pisces Rising/3rd House

Share your knowledge! With the conjunction in your communication house, it's time to share your ideas and connect with others on a deeper level. Embrace networking opportunities and let your voice be heard. Start that substack or podcast you’ve been putting off !

Tara Redfield