Leo Season: The Lion


WELCOME ♌️ LEO SEASON! Tomorrow, July 22nd marks the start of 🦁 Leo season! Symbolized by the majestic lion. Leo season is when Summer is in full swing here in the northern hemisphere. The days are hot and the ☀️ sun, Leo's ruling planet, begs us to come out and play!

Leo is the ✨STAR✨ of the Zodiac - Leo energy is all about shining brightly and getting the attention of everyone around them! Leo is warm, generous, playful and reminds us to share our gifts with others. Leo rules confidence and isn't afraid to take the stage. Leo takes pride in everything they do. Leo is a 🔥 fire sign and urges us to act on our creative impulses.

However, Leo must be careful not to let attention go to their heads - stay humble!

During the next 30 days, practice the lessons of Leo - how can you express yourself creatively? How can you be playful? How can you be generous? If you know which 🏡 house Leo rules in your chart - focus your creative energies on those specific areas! 💛 If you are Leo rising, Leo Sun or Leo Moon, soak up the extra attention and have fun shining your brightest!

Tara Redfield