Break Free with the Full Moon in Aquarius

While last month’s Full Moon in Capricorn proved to be eventful, I believe this one will be too! The Full Moon in Aquarius is ruled by themes of sudden disruption, liberation, and progression forward. It’s an incredible opportunity to break out of old habits and areas of your life that have become stagnant. This year’s Full Aquarius Moon, happening this Monday, August 19th, has an extra dose of rebellious “burn it to the ground” energy as it is being squared by its ruling planet, Uranus! Events that happen today likely won’t be subtle.

Uranus’ job is to break what’s no longer serving us, although it’s usually something we have grown quite comfortable having. Standing in the face of change can fill us with fear and anxiety, but the sooner we embrace it and accept it, the sooner we will find peace. Without change, there is no growth, no advancement. Therefore, as hard as change can be sometimes, it’s completely necessary. Trust in your ability to adapt and innovate. 

Throughout next week, some of us will feel this heightened need to create change in our lives and may even make a spontaneous decision — and for others, this change could be completely unexpected and catch us off guard. This Moon is giving us an extra push to break free from our ruts and face a new adventure.

More things to expect for Monday, due to the multiple, intense planetary aspects coinciding with the Full Moon event. I mentioned the role of Uranus earlier, but let me elaborate! This planetary energy has the potential to create unsettling and chaotic events - but can also create extreme opportunities for excitement, and much needed change. Adding another T-Square formed between Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter, indicates there’s a strong sense of duty to relationships during the day. Serious matters must be dealt with. Lastly, retrograde Mercury is still conjunct the Sun and opposing the Moon. I would prepare for fiery, dramatic conversations - or for people to dig up issues from the past!

Monday also happens to be the the kick-off day of the Democratic National Convention and the Moon itself will be conjunct VP Harris’ natal Saturn. Her professional qualifications can be celebrated, but also challenged. I would expect extremely progressive speeches and uncontrollable excitement from the crowds inside. However on the outside of the convention I would expect intense protests - that rebellious quality that Aquarius is known for is going to show up somewhere! There could also be disruptions, technical issues, and one of Aquarius’ other favorite things - surprises!

Read below for your Aquarius Full Moon Horoscope!

This Full Moon occurs at 27° Aquarius at 11:26 AM PST/ 2:26 PM EST on Monday, August 19th. It will be most impactful for those with planets and major angles between 25° — 29° of Fixed and Air Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini).

*These readings are approximate, for the most accurate reading, reference the house in your natal chart that aligns with 27° Aquarius — read for that house. Need a copy of your natal chart? Make one for free at

Aries Rising (11th House)

This Full Moon gives you the chance to break free from outdated social circles or community roles that no longer resonate with who you are becoming. You’ve outgrown certain group dynamics, and now is the time to liberate yourself from any obligations or expectations that feel limiting. Embrace your individuality and seek out connections that truly support your personal growth and unique path.

Taurus Rising (10th House)

The Aquarius Full Moon shines a light on your career and public life, offering you the opportunity to liberate yourself from a professional identity or career path that feels stifling. If you’ve been stuck in a role that doesn’t align with your true ambitions, now is the time to break free and pursue a direction that feels more authentic. This can also look like taking a totally different approach to your career and thinking outside the box! Release the need to conform to others’ expectations and focus on what truly fulfills you.

Gemini Rising (9th House)

For you, this Full Moon highlights your beliefs, higher learning, and worldview. It’s time to liberate yourself from rigid ideologies or outdated perspectives that have been holding you back. Whether it’s a belief system you’ve outgrown or a routine that limits your mental expansion, this is your moment to break free. This is especially true for anyone holding onto religious ideologies that not longer resonate with you. Embrace new philosophies, cultures, or educational pursuits that inspire your curiosity and broaden your horizons.

Cancer Rising (8th House)

This Full Moon offers you the chance to free yourself from fears and dependencies related to shared resources, debts, or intimate relationships, Cancer. If you’ve been feeling trapped by financial obligations or toxic emotional entanglements, now is the time to liberate yourself from these burdens. Embrace the power of self-sufficiency and redefine your boundaries in a way that supports your emotional and financial independence.

Leo Rising (7th House)

In your partnerships, both romantic and professional, this Full Moon encourages you to break free from relationships or dynamics that no longer serve your highest good and feel draining. If you’ve felt confined by certain expectations or patterns in your close relationships, now is the time to set yourself loose. Embrace the opportunity to establish healthier, more balanced connections moving forward, where your individuality is honored and respected.

Virgo Rising (6th House)

For you, this Full Moon highlights your daily routines, work habits, and health. It’s time to liberate yourself from monotonous routines, work environments, or health practices that drain your energy rather than uplift you. If you’ve been feeling trapped in a cycle of stress or overwork, this is your chance to break free and create a lifestyle that supports your well-being and personal freedom. It could be as simple as working from a coffee shop instead of home a few days a week.

Libra Rising (5th House)

The Aquarius Full Moon magnifies your creativity, self-expression, and romantic life. It’s time to free yourself from any inhibitions or creative blocks that have been limiting your ability to express your true self. Whether it’s a fear of judgment in your artistic endeavors or a stifling romantic situation, this Full Moon encourages you to embrace your individuality and to let go of anything that prevents you from shining brightly.

Scorpio Rising (4th House)

This Full Moon offers you the opportunity to liberate yourself from family dynamics, ancestral patterns, or a home situation that feels restrictive, Scorpio. If you’ve been holding onto the past or feeling confined by familial expectations, now is the time to break free and create a living environment that truly nurtures your soul. Embrace the chance to redefine what home means to you and to establish emotional independence.

Sagittarius Rising (3rd House)

For you, the Aquarius Full Moon showcases your communication, thought patterns, and local environment. It’s time to liberate yourself from limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, or stifling surroundings that have been holding you back. Whether it’s a mindset that needs to shift or a conversation that needs to happen, this is your moment to break free and embrace new ways of thinking and sharing information with the world around you.

Capricorn Rising (2nd House)

This Full Moon offers you the chance to liberate yourself from financial constraints or material attachments that have been weighing you down, Capricorn. If you’ve been overly focused on security or success at the expense of your personal freedom, now is the time to let go of those burdens. Embrace a more liberated approach to your resources, focusing on what truly brings you joy and fulfillment rather than merely accumulating wealth or status. It’s also a good time to sell any possessions that not longer resonate with your values.

Aquarius Rising (1st House)

In your sign, the Full Moon brings the opportunity to liberate yourself from outdated self-concepts or personal limitations! If you’ve been feeling confined by old identities or ways of being, now is the time to break free and step into a more authentic expression of who you are. Embrace your uniqueness and let go of any fears or doubts that have been holding you back from fully being yourself. It’s time for a head-to-toe physical make-over.

Pisces Rising (12th House)

This Full Moon shines a light on your subconscious mind, offering you the chance to free yourself from hidden fears, anxieties, or past traumas, Pisces. If you’ve been carrying emotional baggage or holding onto limiting beliefs that no longer serve you, now is the time to release them. Embrace the opportunity for deep healing and inner liberation, allowing yourself to move forward with a lighter heart and a clearer vision.

Tara Redfield