Aries Season: The Ram

We have officially entered Aries Season and it feels so good! Last year at this time, we were all ordered into lockdowns - unable to embrace Spring the way we had for years. But now, with vaccines rolling out, we are feeling a lot less scared about the future and stepping out into the Spring air with a little more ease - masks still required of course, but we are on the mend!

Aries is the very first sign of the Zodiac - it is the “I am” sign, the great initiator and action-taker. Represented by the sturdy Ram, Aries will stop at nothing to get to the top of any mountain they are climbing. Aries is also the natural ruler of the 1st house - which is about the self, vitality, energy, the physical body and appearance and our drive. The ruling planet of Aries is Mars, the warrior planet.

Even if we don’t have any planets in Aries, we can all learn from the fearless Aries approach to life - where in our lives can we be more like Aries? Where have we been holding back? This season is the best time to start new projects, businesses, diet and fitness plans. It’s a time to be our best selves and take action and risks. If we plant the seeds now, they will be ready to harvest during Virgo season in September!

If you do have planets in Aries, what houses are they in? Those are good clues for where you should be focusing your energy!

Tara Redfield