Your Lunar Eclipse in Pisces Horoscope: Intuition Unleashed

September 17th brings the early dawn of a new eclipse cycle.  While the Moon’s North and South Nodes still sit on the Aries and Libra axis through February of 2025 before fully shifting into Pisces and Virgo through 2026, we will have our first taste of the Pisces/Virgo dynamic as this eclipse will align at 25° of Pisces.

Eclipses are known for bringing significant changes to our lives and can also speed up the pace at which these changes happen. The complete window of time for an eclipse season is four weeks. It begins one week before the first eclipse (lunar, Sept. 9th) through one week after the second eclipse (solar, Oct. 9th). Some of you may already be noticing shifts of energy, while others may not notice anything significant until after our 2nd eclipse on October 2nd.

What stands out the most to me about tomorrow’s lunar eclipse, is how incredibly intuitive it is. Not only is it taking place in the sign of Pisces, deeply associated with intuition, dreams, and the spiritual dimensions of life, but it will also be conjunct the planetary ruler of Pisces, Neptune — which greatly magnifies these qualities. This lunar event offers a unique opportunity to tune into our inner voice and gain deeper insights. It’s a special moment for deep meditation and dream work. If you have a specific question to ask, this is the time to do it!

Keywords for the Pisces eclipse: empathy, surrender, sacrifice, compassion, intuition, clairvoyance, smoke, mirrors, disappearance, fog, floating, unconditional, hidden, institutions, escapism, martyrdom, lost, disorientation, illusion, mystical, spiritual, sensitive, fantasy, subconscious, isolation, universal, water, ocean, tides, music, imagination, feet, fish, mermaids

Caution: During this eclipse, be mindful around bodies of water and do not abuse substances that will greatly alter your sense of reality.

To read more about the general themes of this eclipse, reference my monthly mailing, The Astrology of September. For your personal horoscope, read below!

What the lunar eclipse in Pisces means for you…

*These readings are approximate, for the most accurate reading, reference your natal chart to see which house 25° Pisces falls in and read for that house.

Aries Rising (12th House)

This eclipse marks the ending of an emotional chapter for you, one that’s been quietly building beneath the surface. It’s time to release what’s been holding you back— those old fears, self-doubt, or bad habits that aren’t getting you where you ultimately want to be. It’s time to take a real look at the ways you might be sabotaging your own progression and happiness.

This eclipse also signals the completion of karmic cycles, particularly those linked to past relationships or patterns you’ve been carrying for too long. While letting go can be tough, trust that this is clearing the way for new growth. Embrace the healing energy of this lunar phase and prepare for a fresh spiritual start.

Tip: Pay attention to your gut feelings. They’re your guiding light right now!

Taurus Rising (11th house)

This powerful lunar moment may bring an emotional culmination or a revelation related to the people you surround yourself with. Have certain relationships reached their expiration date? If so, this eclipse is your signal to let go and move on.

At the same time, you may experience a shift in your dreams and aspirations. Goals that once excited you may no longer feel aligned with who you’re becoming. It’s okay to evolve! This eclipse is asking you to reassess what truly lights you up and whether the communities you’re a part of support that growth.

Tip: Surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift you. Your tribe is key to your next phase!

Gemini Rising (10th House)

This is a major turning point for you professionally, and you may feel the need to evaluate your current path. Have you been climbing a career ladder that no longer resonates with your soul’s calling? Expect significant changes around your career, reputation, or even a long-term project that’s reaching its climax. If something isn’t working, this eclipse may bring an ending, but rest easy, it’s clearing space for new opportunities that are more aligned with your core self!

You might also find yourself rethinking your public image—how do you want to be seen in the world? This is the time to step into your power and make choices that reflect the person you are becoming, not the person you’ve been.

Tip: Embrace the changes in your career/public image as opportunities for growth. A fresh chapter is just around the corner!

Cancer Rising (9th House)

This powerful lunar event may trigger a shift in how you see the world—perhaps you’re questioning long-held beliefs or feeling a pull toward expanding your horizons in a big way. Whether it’s through travel, education, or a spiritual awakening, this eclipse is pushing you to broaden your mind and embrace new perspectives.

If you’ve been feeling stuck or uninspired, this eclipse brings the opportunity to shake things up and go after the experiences that ignite your curiosity. It’s time to follow your sense of adventure and trust that the universe is guiding you toward growth. This eclipse can also bring closure to academic or legal matters, or signal the end of a long journey—whether literal or metaphorical.

Tip: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. The world is full of possibilities waiting for you to explore!

Leo Rising (8th house)

This eclipse may mark a powerful turning point in areas related to intimacy, finances, or even the psychological patterns you’ve been working through. If you’ve been holding onto emotional baggage, this is your moment to release and transform. It may also be time for something in your life to die or expire.

You could experience a shift in how you share your life and resources with others—whether that’s in a relationship or business partnership. Money matters, particularly those tied to joint finances or debts, may come to a head, offering an opportunity to resolve long-standing issues.

On a deeper level, this eclipse asks you to confront the shadowy parts of yourself—the fears, insecurities, or secrets you’ve been avoiding.

Tip: Trust in the power of transformation. This is your moment to rise from the ashes stronger than before!

Virgo Rising (7th House)

This eclipse could bring a relationship to a turning point—whether it’s time to deepen your commitment or, in some cases, let go of connections that no longer support you. It’s a moment of clarity, where you’ll see your partnerships for what they truly are. New relationships could also enter your life, but keep in mind that eclipses are a time of destiny—people who come or go now are doing so for a reason.

This is also a time for balance, consider what you need versus what others expect from you. If certain dynamics have felt out of balance, this lunar event is likely to bring them to the surface for healing or resolution.

Tip: Use this eclipse energy to reflect on how you can bring more harmony into your relationships. Healthy boundaries lead to deeper connections!

Libra Rising (6th House)

This is a powerful moment to reassess how you manage your time, energy, and well-being. If you’ve been overworking or neglecting self-care, this eclipse could reveal where changes need to be made. You may experience a shift in your daily responsibilities, job environment, or how you approach your health.

It’s a time to let go of useless habits or routines. Whether it’s burnout from a stressful workload or neglecting your physical or mental health, this eclipse is pushing you to prioritize wellness and balance. Don’t be surprised if you feel the urge to cleanse or simplify your daily life—now is the perfect time for a reset. This lunar energy could also shine a light on how you’re of service to others.

Tip: Focus on simplifying your routines and making time for rest. A healthier, more balanced you is just around the corner!

Scorpio Rising (5th House)

This is your time to reflect on what truly makes your heart explode with happiness and whether you’ve been giving yourself enough space to embrace fun, creativity, and love. You may experience a culmination or shift in a romantic relationship, or perhaps gain clarity on what you need to feel more fulfilled in love. If you’ve been playing it safe, this eclipse encourages you to let go of fear and express yourself authentically in your relationships. It’s time to put yourself out there, unapologetically.

Creatively, this eclipse could bring a project to fruition or spark a new wave of inspiration. If you’ve been holding back on sharing your talents, now’s the moment to step into the spotlight.

Tip: Don’t hold back—whether in love, creativity, or self-expression. This is your moment to shine and embrace life with passion!

Sagittarius Rising (4th House)

You may find yourself reevaluating your living situation or your relationship with family members, as this eclipse highlights where emotional healing or adjustments are needed.

If you’ve been feeling unsettled in your home life, it’s a good time to make necessary changes—whether that’s moving, redecorating, or finding ways to create more peace and security in your living space.

You may also feel a stronger connection to your roots, and some family-related issues could come to a head, offering you a chance to clear the air or set new boundaries.  This is your moment to build a stronger, more nurturing foundation for yourself.

Tip: Take time to nurture your emotional well-being and create a home environment that truly feels like a sanctuary. Inner peace starts with your surroundings!

Capricorn Rising (3rd House)

This is an opportunity to reassess your communication style, your relationship with siblings, or how you’re engaging with your local surroundings. Significant conversations or information could come to light, leading to a new understanding or even a turning point in how you express yourself. If you’ve been feeling misunderstood or have struggled with communication, this eclipse might offer clarity or prompt a significant discussion that helps clear the air.

If you’ve been feeling stuck or uninspired in your mental pursuits, this eclipse could spark a new interest or shift your perspective. You could decide to be either the teacher or the student.

Tip: Embrace the insights and revelations that come your way. They’re guiding you to communicate more authentically and engage with your world in a more meaningful way!

Aquarius Rising (2nd House)

This is a moment to reassess your relationship with money, possessions, and what you value most in life. You may experience a shift in how you view your financial situation or find yourself re-evaluating your income sources and spending habits. If you’ve been holding onto outdated financial patterns or struggling with self-worth issues, this eclipse can bring clarity and a chance for a fresh start.

You might also find that changes in your material possessions or income sources come to the forefront. It’s an excellent time to let go of any financial worries or habits that no longer align with your long-term goals.

Tip: Focus on aligning your financial practices and values with your true self. Embrace the changes as opportunities for growth and greater stability!

Pisces Rising (1st House)

This eclipse is about redefining who you are and how you present yourself to the world. It’s an ideal time for self-reflection and to assess how your current path aligns with your true self.

You may experience a powerful shift in your self-image or a sudden realization about your identity. This could lead to changes in how you approach your life, your appearance, or the way you assert yourself. It’s time to shed old layers and step into a more authentic version of yourself.

The energy of this eclipse supports personal growth and transformation, helping you to let go of what no longer represents who you are and how you see the world. Welcome new ways of expressing your individuality.

Tip: This eclipse is a chance for a fresh start. Allow yourself to evolve and express your true self with confidence and clarity, forget what other people might think!

Tara Redfield